Suliblog és suliújság

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Angol 2. forduló

2011.02.01. 10:35 :: SuperGalaxys

5. osztály

1. oldal

2. oldal

3. oldal

4. oldal


8. osztály

1. Read the letter of complaint and correct the sentences.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing to complain about the service we received at your café last Wednesday lunchtime.
My husband and I were shocked when we sat at our table. There were holes on the tablecloth and the knives and forks were dirty.The waitress was very rude when we asked her to change them. Also, when I ordered a coke, the glass she gave me wasn’t clean. When the food came, it was cold and the fish was very salty.
I would like to suggest that you make sure your restaurant is clean and tidy, and that the food you serve is hot and tasty. I hope your service gets better or we will go somewhere else in future.

Yours faithfully,
Rachel Thomson

1, The writer had dinner at the café.



2, The knives and forks were clean.



3, The waitress was friendly.



4, The writer ordered a lemonade.



5, The fish was not very salty.



2. Look at the prompts, then write your letter. Use the letter in Exc.1 as a model.

Dear Sir/Madam,
(para 1 ) – I/ write / complain / service / restaurant / last Sunday lunchtime

(para 2 ) - service / very slow / we wait for 45 minutes for / waiter to take our order
- when food come / soup / be cold / bread rolls / be old
- we order chicken wings / not be available / finally / we choose something else / but / we be very annoyed

( para 3 ) – I / suggest / have more waiters working on busy nights / all dishes on menu /
be available
- I / hope service get better/ or / you lose your customers
Yours faithfully,


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